Navigating the Wellbeing Landscape: Insights from Lululemon's September 2023 Report

Wellbeing Landscape

In the increasingly reported and watched landscape of well-being, lululemon's recently released Global Wellbeing Report for 2023 gives insights into the challenges individuals face in prioritising and achieving holistic wellness. As I delve into the key findings of this report which was released in September 2023, I will explore how the Pilates industry, and Pilates studio owners in particular, can leverage these insights to reshape their focus, introduce new products, and drive positive change within their businesses.

Understanding the Wellbeing Dilemma:

The report reveals a "Wellbeing Dilemma," indicating that despite a global prioritisation of wellbeing (67% considering it a top priority), only 12% believe their wellbeing is at the desired level. This paradox highlights a gap between intention and realisation in the pursuit of wellness.

Challenges Faced by Individuals:

Persistent barriers such as time constraints, cost concerns, and societal pressures contribute to a sense of being overwhelmed, leading 44% to believe that achieving overall well-being may be impossible. For Pilates studio owners, understanding these challenges is crucial for tailoring offerings to address the unique needs of their clientele.

Implications for the Pilates Industry:

Softening the Approach to Self-Care:
Pilates studios can adopt a softer approach to self-care, incorporating enjoyable, simple acts of movement, mindfulness, and connection. This might involve introducing themed classes or sessions that focus on the joy of movement and overall well-being rather than rigid fitness goals.

Creating Inclusive Spaces:

Inclusive fitness space

Recognising that different segments of our clientele face unique challenges, Pilates studios can create inclusive spaces. This involves understanding the specific needs of men, Gen Z, individuals with disabilities, people of colour, and the LGBT community who stood out in the report as the least comfortable with their current state of Wellness. Tailored classes, workshops, or support groups could be designed to cater to diverse needs.

Embracing Social Fitness:

Pilates, with its emphasis on mindful movement, can position itself as a key player in the social fitness realm. Studios can encourage a sense of belonging and community by organising group sessions or events that foster connections among clients. This not only improves mental health but also attracts clients seeking a holistic wellness experience.  For example, a vision outside of the Pilates studio might involve the client community and their friends in organised walks, treasure hunts, hash events, or team-building outings where meeting and having fun in open spaces enhances the exercise classes in the studio,

Marketing Strategies:

Pilates studios can align their marketing strategies with the report's findings. Highlighting the studio's commitment to individual responsibility for wellbeing, soft self-care approaches, and inclusivity can resonate with a wider audience. Sharing success stories and testimonials that showcase positive transformations in overall well-being will further strengthen the studio's appeal.

Learning from High Wellbeing Individuals:

Pilates studio owners can draw inspiration from the methods employed by individuals with higher well-being:

Encourage group exercises where clients can work out together.
Emphasise the importance of spending time with loved ones and incorporate this aspect into wellness programs and maybe have classes specifically geared to paired workouts for couples whether married, in a relationship, or just friends.

Fostering an environment where clients feel comfortable expressing a full range of emotions, not just those associated with false happiness will help clients not to be living a lie where they feel they must internalise their feeling of lack of wellness by adopting a false external image of happiness.

Take Away

In leveraging the insights from Lululemon's Global Wellbeing Report, Pilates studios have a unique opportunity to lead a paradigm shift in the wellness industry. By adapting their approach, creating inclusive spaces, embracing social fitness, and aligning marketing strategies, they can contribute positively to the well-being of their clients and, in doing so, attract a broader audience seeking a holistic wellness experience.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of well-being, Pilates studios can play a pivotal role in empowering individuals to not only prioritise their health but also to genuinely enhance their overall sense of wellbeing.

To read the full Lululemon report use this link :


Author:  Chris Onslow - Pilates Consultant

Chris Onslow, has run Pilates focussed businesses since 1998.  He and his team specialise in supporting Pilates entrepreneurs and business owners.  With a rich history of owning and running successful Pilates studios in the UK, and supporting others in Europe and the Middle East, Chris has broad expertise in maximising profitability and optimising operational efficiency.  His agency provides top-tier advice on selecting new, pre-owned, and hireable Pilates equipment from renowned brands such as Align-Pilates, Balanced Body or Stott-Pilates/Merrithew.  As the founder of Mbodies Training Academy, Chris continues to revolutionise Pilates education, offering premier online and hybrid CPD and qualification courses for Pilates apparatus instruction and special population CPD.  Discover more about how Chris can support your Pilates Business or home exercise choices at 


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